Classroom Adventure's "Ray's Blog" Featured in Mainichi Shimbun


July 16, 2024
Classroom Adventure's "Ray's Blog" Featured in Mainichi Shimbun

Innovative Media Literacy Program Gains National Recognition, Highlights Growing Adoption in Schools

Classroom Adventure, an edtech startup founded by Keio University students, is proud to announce that its innovative media literacy program "Ray's Blog" has been featured in a comprehensive article in the Mainichi Shimbun, one of Japan's major national newspapers.

The article, published on [insert date], highlights the growing adoption of "Ray's Blog" in middle and high schools across Japan. It showcases how the program is effectively teaching students to identify misinformation online through an engaging, game-based approach.

Key points from the Mainichi Shimbun article:

  1. Over 260 students at Jissen Women's Educational Institute participated in a "Ray's Blog" session, demonstrating the program's scalability.
  2. Students reported high engagement and satisfaction, finding the mystery-solving format both fun and educational.
  3. The program covers crucial skills such as fact-checking news sites, identifying the location of uploaded videos, and detecting AI-generated fake images.
  4. Interest in media literacy education has surged following the Noto Peninsula earthquake in January 2024, leading to increased demand for "Ray's Blog".

Noa Horiguchi, CEO of Classroom Adventure, states: "We are honored to be featured in the Mainichi Shimbun. This coverage not only validates our approach but also helps spread awareness about the critical importance of media literacy in today's digital age."

Since its launch in April 2023, "Ray's Blog" has been adopted by over 50 schools nationwide, reaching more than 3,000 students. The program is also expanding internationally, with versions available in English and Chinese.

As fake news and misinformation continue to pose significant challenges globally, Classroom Adventure remains committed to equipping the next generation with the skills needed to navigate the complex digital information landscape.

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