Classroom Adventure Joins "Kids Tech Caravan" with Special Media Literacy Program

SDGs推進に向けた産学連携プロジェクト 「こどもテックキャラバン」を開催

September 5, 2024
Classroom Adventure Joins "Kids Tech Caravan" with Special Media Literacy Program

Classroom Adventure is excited to announce our participation in the "Kids Tech Caravan" event, held in collaboration with OpenUp Group and Take and Give Needs. This three-day adventure will take place from October 26 to November 10, 2024, across Chiba and Tokyo prefectures. We will be featuring a special elementary school version of our award-winning media literacy program, "Ray's Blog."

A Three-Day Journey of Discovery and Innovation

The "Kids Tech Caravan" is a unique STEAM education event that combines robot building, programming, nature experiences, and our special media literacy training through "Ray's Blog." This adventure is designed to ignite children's curiosity and creativity.

Day 1: Robot building and farming experience in Kisarazu's natureDay 2: Programming and puzzle-solving in a Tokyo skyscraperDay 3: Final project showcase and special event at a wedding venue

Developing Essential Digital Skills with "Ray's Blog"

Our "Ray's Blog" program is an innovative, game-based approach to learning proper internet usage and information discernment. For this event, we've prepared a special version tailored for elementary school students.

Participant Feedback:"It felt like being a detective! I learned how to use the internet in a fun way." (5th grader)"Learning alongside my child brought new discoveries for me too." (Parent)

Event Details

Name: Kids Tech CaravanDates: October 26 (Sat), November 9 (Sat), November 10 (Sun), 2024Locations: Kisarazu City (Chiba), Minato Ward (Tokyo), Shibuya Ward (Tokyo)Participants: 20 parent-child pairs (60 people total), 2nd grade elementary to 2nd year junior high school studentsCost: Free (participants responsible for transportation and meal costs)

Join the Adventure!

This is not just a learning program – it's a three-day adventure filled with surprises and discoveries. Experience cutting-edge technology, connect with nature, and solve mysteries. Why not expand your child's potential through this exciting experience?

This is a rare opportunity for family participation. Join the "Kids Tech Caravan" to stimulate your child's curiosity and develop future-ready skills while having fun!

How to Apply

Please visit the official website (, add the official LINE account as a friend, and submit your application.Application period: September 9 (Mon) 12:00 PM - October 10 (Thu) 12:00 PM, 2024

At Classroom Adventure, we aim to support the next generation's creativity and media literacy skills through this event, offering a new form of education that makes learning enjoyable.

<h2>For inquiries about this release, please contact:</h2>

Classroom Adventure Public Relations DepartmentEmail:

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